Thursday, March 31, 2011

Not for City Boys

Mountains are not for city boys.
Big city people think the country's are full of backwoods people.
But if they really stopped to look around, when you go from a big city to a small country town, you can actually see the stars without the pollution and smog.
If you really look around in the country you can see all the animals, cows, deer, and all the animals.
Everything moves at a more laid-back place.
If you go into a small town everybody knows everybody and everyone wants to help everybody.
But small town living is not for city boys, you put a city boy on a horse and they wouldn't know what to do.
But you put a small town boy on a horse and he could ride forever and ever.
But you put a city boy on a horse and he would be whining and crying for days.

Randy Morgan 3/24/11

What is a friend?

A friend is someone to laugh with, cry with, and just be yourself with.
And a friend is someone when you call late at night, and you need help, they will be there no matter what.
A friend is someone you don't have to put on an act for and will be your friend no matter what.
I have many friends like that, I am very blessed and thankful, I have friends like that.
And God puts people in people's lives for a reason.
God knows people need friends, and there are special people in the world that we haven't met yet.
But when you do it is a blessing from God.

Randy Morgan 3/24/11

What is a true cowboy?

A true cowboy is someone who doesn't give up on adversity.
Somebody that doesn't give up on anything that he has to do, even when his back is up against the wall.
He is always trying and working hard to accomplish his goals in life.
And he kind of looks at life like an eight second bull-ride, because life will throw challenges at him and he has to really try hard to overcome them.
And he knows that he has the determination and try in him to overcome anything he has to do.

Randy Morgan 3/24/11

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Crumley House Horse Show

Dates : April 30, May 28, June 25, September 24, and October 22.

Times: gates open 10 AM, show starts at noon 

Class lists and prices can be found at